Creating a secure Wi-Fi password is critical for cybersecurity. Weak Wi-Fi passwords are easy to hack. And when someone gets access to your Wi-Fi network, they can do anything online using your Internet. From illegally downloading content to harassing someone online, there is no limit to the illicit activities a hacker can do by hopping on your Internet.
What’s worse, a skilled hacker with some tools and a bit of luck can successfully track sensitive data going and coming through computers in your company.
In this article, we will explore proven tips to create a strong password for Wi-Fi. Also, you will learn if your existing Wi-Fi password is strong enough to provide your business with optimum security.
Let’s dive in:
How Does a Wi-Fi Network Get Hacked?
Hackers employ sniffing, spoofing, wardriving, brute force attack, encryption cracking, and various other tools and techniques to hack a Wi-Fi network.
Having a weak Wi-Fi password makes it easier for hackers to get access to your Wi-Fi network. Therefore, it is imperative to create a secure password to protect your Wi-Fi network.
Is Your Wi-Fi Password Secure?
You can use Kaspersky Password Checker to check the strength of your Wi-Fi password. This tool also lets you know if your password has appeared in any databases of leaked passwords.
To create a hack-resistant Wi-Fi password, make sure you include the following in your Wi-Fi password:
- Lower case letters
- Upper case letters
- Special characters (like @, &, <, etc.)
- Numbers
You should use at least twelve characters in your password. The more characters in your password, the more secure your password will be.
Read More: Sharing Business WiFi Passwords Doesn’t Have to Be Hard, Use QR Codes Like This
How to Change Your Wi-fi Password
Here is a step-by-step method to change your Wi-Fi password:
Step. 1
Type your router’s IP address in your web browser to open the login page of your router. You have to supply your username and password to access your router’s configuration page.
If you don’t remember the router’s username and password, reset your router to the factory settings and use the default password and username printed on the configuration card of your router.
Step. 2
Once you have logged into your router, you can easily change your router password, WiFi network name, and password.
Go to the Wi-Fi settings tab and click on basic settings.
Step. 3
In the Wi-Fi security settings, you can see different types of wireless encryption (WEP, WPA, and WPA2). You should be using WPA2 if you want the most secure network. Supply the new password. Change your Wi-Fi network name if you wish. Then, click on the apply or save settings button.
You should keep in mind that the router interface is not the same for all brands. But the process of changing WiFi passwords remains the same whether you have purchased your own router or you use a router given by your internet provider.
Tips for Selecting a Secure Password for Wi-Fi
The following tips will help you select a secure password for WiFi:
1. Refrain from Using Common Keyboard Patterns
Using common keyboard patterns, such as 123456789, qwerty, or asdfg12345 in your password is dangerous. In fact, passwords based on common keyboard patterns are the most common passwords leaked on the dark web. So, you should never use them in your Wi-Fi password.
2. Create a Long Password
When it comes to your Wi-Fi password’s strength, the longer passwords are stronger. You should include at least twelve characters in your Wi-Fi password. The more, the better.
However, 123456789101112 is not a strong password despite having twelve characters. This is because it is based on a common keyboard pattern.
So, your focus should not be only on the length of your password. Think about making your password complex.
3. Stay Away from Common Words
As long as people use common words in their passwords, dictionary attacks are going to happen. To make your Wi-Fi password secure, you should never include common words in your password. The best passwords are often those that have no meaning.
4. Never Use Personal Information
You should never use any personal information in your password. Date of birth, name, spouse’s name, place of birth, marriage anniversary date, or anything that is personal should not find a way into your Wi-Fi password.
5. Include Unrelated and Misspelled Words
Using a combination of unrelated and misspelled words adds to the strength of your wi-fi network password. Do try to include them in your password.
For example, Angri@5%1Quin@$#bot is a stronger password than Angry@5%1Queen@$#boat
6. Use Letter Cases, Symbols, and Numbers
A strong wi-fi password includes lower case letters, upper case letters, special characters, and numbers. So, make sure you include all of them in your password.
7. Use a Password Strength Checker
It is recommended to use a reputable password strength checker to assess if you have created a strong Wi-Fi network password. Doing so can help you create a strong password to protect your wi-fi network.
8. Don’t Use Same Password for Multiple Logins
Don’t make your Wi-Fi password a default password for all your logins. Your Wi-Fi password should be for the Wi-Fi network only.
Have different passwords for email, social media, YouTube, or any other platform. If you have trouble creating different passwords for multiple logins, password generators can save you tons of time.
9. Make Your Password Memorable
One of the best ways to protect your Wi-fi network password is to memorize it. Writing it down on your computer or mobile phone is not recommended. So, you should make sure you create a memorable password for your Wi-Fi.
To avoid the hassle of remembering multiple passwords, you can look for a powerful password manager app to easily manage your passwords for different logins.
10- Never Reuse a Password
When you are going to change your Wi-Fi password, you should never reuse any of the previous passwords. Your old password could have been exposed in data breaches. But still, 66% of people reuse passwords.
Never take a risk and create a new password every time you change the password for your Wi-Fi network.
Also, you should not use the same Wi-Fi password for long. Ideally, you should keep changing the password of your Wi-Fi after every three months.
Where Can I Find My Wi-Fi Password?
Go to the configuration page of your router and log into your router. Access the Wi-Fi settings tab of your router and go to basic settings where you find your Wi-Fi network name and password.
Can you Hack a Wi fi Password?
Yes, you can hack a Wi-Fi password. With some hardware and software, it is possible to hack weak wi-fi passwords. However, hacking a person’s WiFi password without his/her consent is illegal in most countries and can lead you to jail.
Image: Depositphotos
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