Apple has announced the launch of its Self-Service Repair program allowing users to perform their own repairs for select iPhone models. Self-Service Repair will be available for MacBook Air and MacBook Pro notebooks with the M1 family of chips. As part of the offering, Apple will be providing repair manuals and genuine Apple parts and tools through the Apple Self Service Repair Store.
Apple Expands Self-Service Repair
Through service repair customers who are experienced with the complexities of repairing electronic devices will be able to complete repairs on these Mac notebooks. They will also have access to many of the same parts and tools available to Apple Store locations and Apple Authorized Service Providers.
Apple will also offer MacBook Air and MacBook Pro notebook rental kits for $49. Through it, customers who do not want to purchase tools for a single repair still have access to these professional repair tools. Customers will have access to the tool kit for one week and it will be shipped free of charge.
To start the Self Service Repair process, customers will first need to review the repair manual for the product they want to repair by visiting the apple support page. Then, they can visit the Apple Self-Service Repair Store and order the necessary parts and tools.
Through this unique program, Apple has expanded the option for its customers to repair their machines at home using original Apple tools. Apple in April first announced the availability of self-service repair options on the iPhone 12 and iPhone 13 lineups and iPhone SE (3rd generation). Through the service, customers can send replaced parts back to Apple for refurbishment and recycling. For certain repairs, customers will receive a credit when returning a replaced part for recycling.
More repair options for Apple Customers
Self-Service Repair is part of Apple’s efforts to further expand access to repairs. For the customers who do not have experience repairing electronic devices, visiting a professional repair provider with certified technicians who use genuine Apple parts is advised.
Over the past three years, Apple has nearly doubled the number of service locations with access to genuine Apple parts, tools, and training, including more than 3,500 Independent Repair Providers. A global network of more than 5,000 Apple Authorized Service Providers supports more than 100,000 active technicians. As a result, in the US, eight out of 10 Apple customers are located within 20 minutes of an authorized service provider.
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Image: Depositphotos
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