Any caller or customer that hits your extension’s voicemail box will get a voicemail greeting. Fortunately, your RingCentral voicemail settings aren’t engraved in stone. You can always customize them to fit your specific needs. You’ve come to the right place if you want to learn how to edit your voicemail.
In this article, you’ll find out how to change your RingCentral voicemail greeting, PIN, and even the voicemail email. Keep reading to find out more about RingCentral’s voicemail edit options.
RingCentral How to Change Voicemail Greeting
Here’s how to change your voicemail greeting using the web portal on a PC:
- Sign in to your RingCentral account using your credentials. Alternatively, you can go with the “Single Sign-on” option for more ease.
- Once your dashboard loads, click on the Setting icon at the bottom left corner of the window.
- Choose “Phone” from the menu in the middle.
- Scroll down to “Voicemail” and click on “Edit.”
- If you wish to adjust the schedule of your greeting, click on the link that says, “Edit schedule.” By default, the greeting runs 24/7.
- Click on “Edit” if you don’t want RingCentral’s default greeting.
- You can record your voicemail through a phone or a built-in headset microphone. You can also upload an already existing recording from your local machine as another option.
- Once you have your greeting ready, press the “Done” button.
- On the voicemail modal, click on “Save.”
Before uploading an audio file, ensure that it’s either an MP3 or WAV file. Otherwise, it won’t be accepted.
If you’re running the desktop application, simply follow the above steps as they are pretty much similar.
RingCentral How to Change Voicemail Greeting on a Mobile Phone
RingCentral has a mobile app that’s available for both Android and iOS. This makes it convenient for you to customize your account settings regardless of the device you’re running. Here’s how to change your voicemail greeting using the app:
- Launch your RingCentral mobile app.
- Tap on your user avatar at the top left corner of the screen.
- Navigate to “Phone” then “Voicemail.”
- By default, voicemails run 24/7. If you wish to change this schedule, tap on “Set schedule.”
- Under the “SET VOICEMAIL GREETING (WORK HOURS)” drop-down menu, tap “Default” if you want to use the default RingCentral greeting. Otherwise, press “Custom.”
- Select “Record new greeting.”
- Use the red button to record your greeting.
- Once you’re done, tap on “Save” in the top right corner of the screen.
RingCentral How to change Voicemail Greeting on the Admin Portal
If you’re the admin of your organization, use these steps to change the voicemail greeting:
- Sign in to your admin portal.
- Click the “Admin Portal” drop-down menu and select “My Extension.”
- Navigate to “Settings.”
- Open the “Call Forwarding and Voicemail” drop-down.
- Go to the “Work Hours” tab.
- Under “Missed Calls,” choose “Send to voicemail.”
- Click “Edit” to switch to a custom recording.
- Select “Custom” and add in the new greeting. Alternatively, if you want to get rid of a custom greeting, choose “default.”
- Click “Save” to update the changes.
RingCentral How to Change Voicemail PIN
A PIN (also called Personal Identification Number) adds an extra security layer to your account. It proves that you’re indeed who you say you are and allows you to access your voicemails. RingCentral gives you a PIN similar to everyone else’s when you sign up for a new account. For that reason, it’s essential to change the PIN as soon as you create an account.
Of course, you might have other reasons for setting a new PIN as well. Regardless of the reasons, here’s how to go about it if you’re on your computer:
- Sign in to your RingCentral dashboard.
- Click on the gear icon at the bottom left corner of the window.
- Select “Phone” from the menu that pops up on the left of the screen.
- Scroll down to “Voicemail” and click on the “Edit” button.
- At the bottom of the window, enter a secure PIN and easy to remember.
- Confirm the PIN and click the “Save” button to update the changes.
The new PIN you’ve just created will be used to access your voicemails.
Note: The above steps also apply to desktop users. They’re pretty similar in terms of labels and the interface. In addition, any changes you make to your desktop app will reflect across all the other platforms, including the mobile and the web application.
RingCentral How to Change Voicemail PIN on Mobile
If you’re using your mobile phone to run your RingCentral account, here’s how to change your voicemail PIN:
- Launch your RingCentral mobile app.
- Tap on your user avatar in the top left corner of the screen.
- Go to “Phone” then “Voicemail.”
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen, and under “Voicemail PIN,” tap on “Change PIN.”
- At the bottom of the new screen, enter your PIN while paying attention to the PIN criteria. This is the PIN you’ll be using to open your voicemails.
- Confirm the PIN and tap on “Save.”
How to Change a PIN for Someone Else on RingCentral
If you have an organization or a business team, you might want to change a PIN for another user in the organization. But first, you’ll need to have admin privileges to complete this operation. Once you have the requisite permissions, here’s how to go about it:
- Sign in to your RingCentral admin portal.
- Navigate to “Users” and tap on “Users with Extensions.”
- Select the user whose PIN you’d like to change.
- Click on “Users Details,” then go to “Security.”
- Under “Password,” click on “Change Password.”
- Depending on your sign-in method, you might be asked to key in your password. Do so and click “Next” to continue.
- Open the PIN tab and enter the new PIN. Confirm the PIN to proceed.
- Press on the “Save” button to update the PIN.
RingCentral Change Voicemail Email
Here’s how to change your Voicemail email in RingCentral:
- Go to your RingCentral dashboard.
- Navigate to “Settings” then “Notifications.”
- Choose “Advanced Settings” from the drop-down menu at the left of the screen.
- Checkmark “Voicemail Messages” under “By Email.” In the same row, click on “Customize Notifications.”
- Under “Additional Settings,” checkmark the option that says, “Include attachment with email.”
- In the email box, enter your voicemail email. If you want to get the same voicemail notification on multiple email accounts, you can enter all the required emails in that same box, separated by a comma.
- Select “Done.”
- Click on the “Save” button to save your changes.
Additional FAQs
Can you change your voicemail greeting without having a cellphone service?
No. You need to be connected to a cellphone service to change your voicemail.
Why am I receiving voicemails in my email, but they aren’t showing up in my RingCentral dashboard?
If your voicemails aren’t reflecting on your app, but you can still receive them via email as attachments, try signing out and signing back into the app. If this doesn’t work, uninstall and reinstall the app. Should the problem persist, don’t hesitate to contact the RingCentral customer desk to have them look at the issue.
What happens when I forget my RingCentral voicemail PIN?
If you forget your voicemail PIN, log into the account and change the PIN as described in the section above.
Add a Touch of Personalization to Your Voicemails
Changing your voicemail allows you to add a touch of personalization to how you handle missed calls. They are essential in business, providing a thoughtful way of telling your clients and colleagues you’re away and will attend to them shortly.
Have you tried using RingCentral for routing your voicemails before? How was the experience? Please let us know in the comments section below.
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