Small Business Trends is proud to announce that publisher Anita Campbell was recently honored with a prestigious award. Campbell was awarded an Ezoic Lifetime Achievement Award at the organization’s 2022 Publisher Awards Ceremony.
The special award honors those winners who have not only been an Ezoic customer for several years but who have earned more than $1 billion in revenue during that time.
Campbell has spent a lifetime as an entrepreneur, and she has filled many roles in addition to publisher of Small Business Trends, including speaker, analyst and writer. Campbell’s successful online media properties reach an audience of more than 6 million small business owners each year. She also contributes to Openforum.com, SBA.gov and other publications. Prior to her tenure as Small Business Trends’ CEO and publisher, Campbell was trained in law and served as a business executive.
Ezoic’s annual top performers contest is open to Ezoic users and awards prizes in multiple categories, including publisher of the year, the online educator award and the year’s best earnings growth.
Ezoic is an award-winning website testing platform that helps content creators and digital publishers boost traffic and revenue by testing ad locations and styles. The annual contest is open to publishers who employ Ezoic’s technology to boost their advertising reach and revenue.
Small Business Trends is an award-winning online publication featuring advice, news and resources for small businesses of up to 100 employees.
Along with its sister site, BizSugar.com and various outlets, it reaches a highly targeted audience of over 3,000,000 small business owners, stakeholders and entrepreneurs each month.
Founded and bootstrapped by noted small business expert Anita Campbell, Small Business Trends has been publishing continuously for the past 17 years and is one of the largest independently-owned news sites dedicated to small business. The site’s mission is “small business success … delivered daily.”
The site can be found at: https://smallbiztrends.com.
Image: Ezoic
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